Core Content Plan

Scale up your content to meet your strategic goals. Expert-led fintech, regtech or cybersecurity content written to generate leads.

So you’ve done all of the hard work developing a content strategy, and you need to start making your way through the list. But what about all those heard horror stories of agencies that don’t understand the specific nuance of the fintech, regtech or cyber world, and won’t “get” your customers. 

Don’t waste the trust you’ve already worked so hard to build with your customers. Partner with The Search Cure, a dedicated and high-quality content agency for Fintech, Regtech or Cybersecurity businesses. We take the time to interview members of your sales, product and marketing teams so that we’re informed on every topic we write. You’ll gain original perspectives on tired topics, and content written for your audience’s level of technical understanding. 

You know what content types you’d like to create, topics you’d like to discuss, and distribution channels you’re using. But if you require a cyber, regtech or fintech content writer to use their industry expertise, you’ve come to the right place.


Not great for: 

  1. Broader digital marketing managers who don’t have a plan when it comes to content strategy

  2. Marketing teams that are too busy to provide briefs and assign their credits to content types

If this resonates…

The Core Content Plan is best for: 

  1. Focused content marketing professionals who have their strategy in-hand, and want to scale 

  2. Marketers in the fintech, regtech or cybersecurity industry that want a writer who’s experienced and familiar with the topics

  3. Content managers who value expert-led content, and will make the time to schedule us in with someone from their product, sales or marketing team to gather these

  4. Content professionals who need a team experienced in bottom-of-the-funnel work

  5. Managers who have already set up their reporting and success metrics (or are willing to set this upon working with us)


Learn about past results

“900,000 page views and 11,000 clicks, 6 months after launching in the UK” - Pleo

“2600% ROI through sales solely through our investment into content” - CoreIntegrator


How does our credits system work? 

We work with content managers on a credits-based system to help them scale up their efforts, while adhering to budgets. Simply purchase your credits, and assign us the briefs based on your priority. 

For example, we can write landing pages to convert, or long blogs to develop your brand as a thought leader. It’s all dependent on your business goals and identified needs. 

Our credits-based system is flexible and adapts as your strategic goals do. The lowest tier package starts at 10 credits per month, which costs £3000. From there, we offer packages at 10-credit increments, with our 50 credit package priced at £13800. 

When you purchase a package, you can choose to reserve credits for any type of content listed here: 

Note: the credits in our Core Content Plan are “cheaper” than in our strategy plan as we assume you’ve already done the strategic work, and are willing to fill out our briefs.


  • Our smallest package for the Core Content Plan starts at 10 credits, and costs £3000.

  • You’ll assign all of your credits in one go and we’ll take thirty days to work through your requests. You can opt into a 1, 3, 6 or 12-month contract.

  • Yes, you’ll assign each of your credits at the start of your package, and let us know the priority order (if there is one).

  • Fortunately, most of our work is accepted on “first try”, but as we’re getting to know new clients and their guidelines, we might need some pointers.

    So once we’re done writing our first version of the content, we’ll perform internal quality checks aligned to your specific branding and writing requirements. We’ll then send each piece onto you, where you’re free to make a round of edit requests or offer feedback. We’ll complete your requests and deliver the piece as per your specifications.

  • Sure, if you’re interested in commissioning videos or another type of content, please fill in our contact form.